0800 service numbers

Provide a free customer services

  • Premium quality
  • Local termination
  • Guaranteed caller ID (CLI)
  • Unlimited channels
  • For SIP Trunk and Cloud PBX

For your customer service

0800 numbers allow companies to offer their customers a free and reliable service. Quite conveniently. Calls are handled online, making it easy for your customers to reach you anywhere.

With an 0800 service number, you can quickly improve contact with your target audience while benefiting from numerous advantages. The calls are managed online. Thus, this service is highly flexible, as it works regardless of location.

With an 0800 service number, you enable your customers to reach your company from anywhere. And with our online system, you can easily manage your calls no matter where you or your service team are located.

Offer your national and international customers a free and customer-friendly service with an 0800 service number in Switzerland and from over 30 countries. This service includes unlimited incoming voice channels, premium quality, and guaranteed number portability.

0800 service numbers for your customer service

0800 service numbers additionally available in the following countries

  • High voice quality
  • Local termination
  • Guaranteed caller ID
  • Unlimited call channels
0800 Service Nummern von Virtual-Call

*Requires Registration

Argentina France* New Zealand*
Australia Georgien* Panama*
Austria* Germany* Peru*
Belarus Hong Kong* Polen*
Belgium* Iceland* Portugal*
Bosnia and Herzegovina* India* Saudi Arabia*
Brazil Indonesia* Serbia*
Bulgaria* Ireland* Singapore*
Canada Israel Slovakia
Chile Italy* Slovenia*
Colombia Japan* South Korea
Croatia* Latvia* Spain*
Cyprus* Lithuania* Sweden
Czech republic Luxembourg* Taiwan*
Denmark* Malaysia Thailand*
Ecuador* Mexico Ukraine*
Estonia* Monaco United Arab Emirates*
Finland Montenegro United Kingdom
  Netherlands* USA

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